Year 5 and 6 camp

Hello welcome to my camp blog.So at camp the first day we had a snack and the owner of christian youth camp he just told us some rules then after we went to go get change in are togs for some wet activities. They just told us to get i our groups and i was in group 9. The wet activities were super fun and the first activities we went to was the target shooting. I also really liked the target shooting because we learnt how to reload a fake gun and i shot 5 cans and i was surprised because my team members shot like about 10. Tuesday was actually better than Monday because on Tuesday we did all the wet activities and the activities were so much fun.I really liked the hydro slide because it was so fast that we got down the lake in like 8 seconds.The last day we get to do whatever we want like we can go anywhere but you can’t go where like the mud slide is. After swimming we got change and had lunch then put are suitcase in the bus and then we said are last goodbyes to christian youth camp then went back to school.

The end hope you really liked my blog, What is your favourite insect?

Water Wero

Bula everyone, today i’m going to talk about the Water Park –  Wero. At the Water park we went to the bathrooms to get into our togs. When all of the girls went into the bathrooms it was so big even the mirror was so big. After we all got change we went to out on some sunscreen because we can get sun burnt. Next we took some pictures then we got in our life jackets and shoes and then we started walking to the area that we were gonna swim at. When we got there we made a circle then they stated to explain what we are going to do first. After they told us i walked slowly to the river and was starting to lie back. And then my other partner was grabbing the rope and then she was going to throw it at me so i could get back out it was just a warm up for everyone and the water was freezing. Then after they said that whoever was in the river before they now have to do the same thing but we used like these bamboo sticks that were different. Then after that session we moved to something different. But the next thing we did was almost impossible because we had to swim way far as we normally do. When i finally made it i almost couldn’t breath but it was also very fun. After that we went to different people to do a little bit something different. This one was a cooler session then the others because it was like a little water fall. But we couldn’t go near the waterfall because something could happen maybe?.  And then after we just went on this boat or raft just to have fun until we leave. After we finish our boat and the other boat was racing because, we just felt bored. Next we just took off our life jackets and shoes then we went in the bathrooms to get change then after we got outside we went outside the vans just left us but when they were gone we just had a little snack break before we go to school. Later when they came we hopped in the vans and then went to school and took our class photos.

Thank you for reading my blog, see you next time bye.


Hello again

For today we are going to be talking about mine – craft

This is mine – craft but its kinda like dance party but way better (my opinion) mine – craft is really cool because you can pick a house to build easy, medium and hard. I picked the hard one because it looks nice. You have to add different  things like move forward, move left and move right so its like mine – craft but different. You can move to destroy blocks and to remove the tree or sheep’s, you can build by pressing place birch planks then you start building your base.

I hope you liked my blog about mine – craft, i will see you next time bye.a

BBC Microbit


Today I am going to talk about BBC microbit. BBC microbit  is about this thing where you go to if you can see on the picture that square thing yeah, so basically you have to get that and a wire you have to either get a phone or a chrome you can also try with any device but it’s better with chrome – book. You have to plug it in  the wire into your chrome – book then you have to search microbit then you it, will take you to this website. Its so cool because to can also do music but you have to download it but you don’t need any money for it.
That’s it for now, because we are still starters. what is your favourite social media platform.

Mahi pai!

Hello. today we are going to talk about mahi pai. So at mahi pai we saw these eggs but the eggs were like different colours like red, orange, yellow and all the other colours. It was so cool that they were doing girls vs boys tiktok addition the boys won but it’s fine. We also get to learn new stuff like learning how to pronounce a lot of cars in Maori. After each classroom get to take a photo with them when are classroom was next I hugged ever one of them and they were so soft.

What is your favourite cartoon?

That’s it for now for my blog bye hoped you enjoy my blog bye.

BLOG!!! – coding Flappy bird

Hello My name is Christino so what i’m going to share about is a game called flappy bird and i will tell you what i love about it and 4 what i learnt.

What i learnt about in the flappy bird  is how to creating your own game and how to change the bird mode like if u don’t want to make it flop you could just take it away and it will just don’t even move and it will just stay on the ground.

What i like about the game is that its actually very cool and creative.

i love it so much i wish there was more levels so  i could play it even more.

That’s all for today i hope you guys enjoyed it bye

Dance party with coding

Today I have been learning on my Chromebook. One of the best things I have been learning is the dancing sloth and the cat because it’s very cool. You can pick your own songs and you can pick your own moves like random or a floss. I got this idea from Whaea Naomi. I really enjoyed learning everything from Whaea Naomi. My favourite colour is blue and yellow how about you?


My favourite thing about EPIC is that it is really cool and i really learn more because of epic it make me more smarter and i love how i’m  getting more smarter and smarter because of EPIC.

THE book i am most enjoying so far is creepy CAFETORIUM because like i just love every thing about it and i enjoy.

All about me

talofa lava

welcome to my post my name is christino and i am from homai primary school. Also my favourite  colour is blue and yellow because they are just pretty colours. My favourite  drink is bubble tea or aloe cause they are just so lovely and my favourite  boba flavour is taro and milk tea. I also love watching avatar cause the character in avatar are so pretty its also the way of water. I really hope you like this have a lovely day bye.

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